7 Steps to Make Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Grow Bigger, Faster!
Anyone that has been infected with Fiddle Leaf Mania has seen the incredible potential of these trees to create a lush, outsized indoor plant. You found your Fiddle Leaf, but you found it small. Or you've had your indoor tree for a few years already but would like to take it's growth to the next level.
Here are our 7 Steps to Make Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree grow bigger:
The size of all indoor plant depends on the pot size in which it is planted. The more space for the roots, the larger the plant can get.
Aim to give your plant the largest pot possible, without making the current pot-plant combo look out of proportion. 'Graduate' your indoor tree to incrementally larger pots over its lifetime.
When choosing the planter for your Fiddle Leaf, make sure that it supports the watering and drainage of your plant.
Pots should have the following 3 characteristics:
- Sufficient drainage holes to let water out
- You've placed some gravel or stone ships at the bottom of the pot to prevent the soil from clogging up the drainage holes
- The pot is a pot, i.e. there is an open surface at the top, where the soil is exposed. So don't plant inside a large vase or urn.
Water is the vehicle that brings nutrients to the roots. When you water your Fiddle Leaf Fig, do your best to ensure that all parts of its soil get moisture. You want to avoid dry, dusty patches from forming inside the planter, which will cause the roots to die off.
For plants that are small enough to be moved:
- Place your plant in a tight container or sink - you're looking to give your plant a soak.
- Introduce enough water up to approximately 75% of the planter height. Water the top to ensure that the water from the top and bottom meet inside the planter.
- Leave for 10 minutes.
For plants that are too big to be moved:
- Water in a way that allows excess water to flow out of the drainage holes. Do so generously.
- Collect this excess water and pour it into the pot again.
- Repeat.
- A drip tray underneath the planter is the best way to prevent a watering mess.
TOP TIP: Use a Moisture Meter to measure your soils moisture levels.
Indoor plant soil can sometimes compact, which slows down the natural growth functioning of your plant. You'll notice this if a hard crust forms at the top, or if, when gently digging into the soil with your fingers, you find that it is difficult to move the soil.
Follow these easy steps:
- Use some chopsticks to create small holes in the soil medium around the plant.
- Push the chopsticks in as deeply as you can and then gently rotate them, left-right, to create some loosening.
Try to be guided by what you feel - if you encounter resistance - this may be a larger root, try for a different location.
Change your soil medium once a year, preferably in early spring, at the beginning of the growth season. Fresh soil with increasing daylight hours is like rocket fuel for your indoor plant.
Fiddle Leaf Figs like well-aerated soil that holds water but still drains quickly.
Don't go to extremes by removing all soil from the roots. Simply change the soil that lets itself be removed easily and freely.
To give your Fiddle Leaf the nutrients that it needs, choose a good balanced organic fertilizer, such as Biotrissol, for your feeding regime.
We found that feeding less, more often, especially in Spring through Summer, works really well. Dilute the recommended proportion in half or a quarter, and feed it to your Fiddle Leaf with every watering, approximately once a week.
Take a moment to consider whether your Fiddle Leaf Fig tree has the most optimal light. You may have chosen a corner where your indoor tree looks good aesthetically, but could it get more light elsewhere?
Here are some golden light tips:
- Maximize light brightness and duration, but avoid harsh direct light.
- Some softer direct sunlight in the early mornings or late afternoon should be fine, just watch for leaf burn - dry brown patches.
- Rotate your houseplant, it wants to get light from all directions.
There you go. With these Tips, your Fiddle Leaf should virtually grow in front of your eyes! No doubt, these indoor plants require some care to make them flourish. But the results will be endlessly rewarding. Good luck!
Fiddle leaf Figs are trendy decorative plants! You want to dress them up like setting the pot in a pretty basket. You may want to think twice about “double potting” them. This prevents air from getting around the drain holes. Then mold begins growing in the drains and up in the soil. My daughter gave me a new plant for Mother’s Day that was double potted. I decided to repot it this past weekend. When I pulled it out of the outer pot I found mold all around the drain holes and bottom of pot. When I removed the plant from the nursery pot I found mold all in the soil! So I had to remove all the soil from rootball because of the mold. Finally got it repotted with fresh soil. Needless to say I did not put it back in the outer pot. Moral of story is, decorative outer pots and baskets look nice but they can be harmful to your plant! Are they worth it just to look nice?
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